Bielefeld University

Displaying all 17 services

SequenceMLImplementationService SOAP


Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed

  • Could not access endpoint .
  • Could not access wsdl_location .

Last checked: today about 2 hours ago

Service for converting native formats into xml and back

Provider: Bielefeld University WSDL Location:

AlignmentMLImplementationService SOAP

Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed

  • Could not access endpoint .
  • Could not access wsdl_location .

Last checked: today about 2 hours ago

AlignmentML is a format describing (multiple) alignment information any alignment program can produce. Similar to SequenceML different sequence types (nucleic, amino acid and free) are supported.

Provider: Bielefeld University WSDL Location:

knotinframeImplementationService SOAP

WSDL Location:

DCAImplementationService SOAP
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed

  • Could not access endpoint .

Last checked: today about 5 hours ago

Divide-and-Conquer Multiple Sequence Alignment (DCA) is a program for producing fast, high quality simultaneous multiple sequence alignments ( of amino acid, RNA, or DNA sequences. The program is

Provider: Bielefeld University WSDL Location:

RNAStructMLImplementationService SOAP

WSDL Location:

RNAhybridImplementationService SOAP

WSDL Location:

RNAStructAlignmentMLImplementationService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

roseImplementationService SOAP
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed

  • Could not access endpoint .

Last checked: today about 5 hours ago

Rose (Random model Of Sequence Evolution) implements a new probabilistic model of the evolution of RNA, DNA, or protein-like sequences. Guided by an evolutionary tree, a family of related sequences is created from a common ancestor sequence by insertion,

Provider: Bielefeld University WSDL Location:

rociImplementationService SOAP


Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed

  • Could not access endpoint .

Last checked: today about 5 hours ago

Roci (Reconstruction of Conserved Intervals) reconstructs ancestral gene orders of a phylogenetic tree. Given the topology of a phylogenetic tree and the gene orders of the leaf nodes, it calculates sets of gene orders for the inner nodes, represented by

Provider: Bielefeld University WSDL Location:

passtaImplementationService SOAP


Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed

  • Could not access endpoint .

Last checked: today about 5 hours ago

Passta (Protein annotation by secondary-structure based alignment) helps to decide whether a protein sequence is related to a protein with known structure. Given a protein query, Passta tries to “explain” it with secondary structure elements (SSEs) from r

Provider: Bielefeld University WSDL Location:

reputerImplementationService SOAP

All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 6 hours ago

The REPuter program family provides state of the art software solutions to compute and visualize repeats in whole genomes or chromosomes.

Provider: Bielefeld University WSDL Location:

dialignImplementationService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

pknotsRG SOAP


Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed

  • Could not access endpoint .

Last checked: today about 6 hours ago

pknotsRG is a tool for folding RNA secondary structures, including the class of simple recursive pseudoknots. It is limited to sequences of length up to 800 bases.

Provider: Bielefeld University WSDL Location:

RNAfoldImplementationService SOAP

). Currently RNAfold from Vienna package version 1.4.

Provider: Bielefeld University WSDL Location:

RNAshapesImplementationService SOAP
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed

  • Could not access endpoint .

Last checked: today about 6 hours ago

RNAshapes offers three powerful RNA analysis tools * Computation of a small set of representative structures of different shapes, complete in a well-defined sense. * Computation of accumulated shape probabilities. * Comparative prediction o

Provider: Bielefeld University WSDL Location:

e2gImplementationService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

RNAforesterImplementationService SOAP


Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed

  • Could not access endpoint .

Last checked: today about 6 hours ago

RNAforester is a command line based tool for comparing RNA secondary structures. It supports the computation of pairwise and multiple alignment of structures based on the tree alignment model (

Provider: Bielefeld University WSDL Location: