Displaying all 8 services
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 20 hours ago
This service will retrieve registry data records from NIF. The front end at NIF looks like this: https://neuinfo.org/mynif/search.php?q=miame&t;=registry Note that miame is the search term, it is the same search term as the service definition
Provider: Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Base URL: http://nif-services.neuinfo.org/servicesv1/v1/federation/data/nlx_144509-1?q=miame
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 20 hours ago
This service retrieves data per NIF source in xml; note, the sources are called by NIF Registry identifier. To find an id, access this service: http://nif-services.neuinfo.org/servicesv1/v1/federation/data/nlx_144509-1?q=data%20federation Grab the parameter from Resource ID * you will need to parse the html out. Data sources in the “data federation”, (currently at about 200 sources) can be found by ID. http://nif-services.neuinfo.org/servicesv1/v1/federation/data/n…
Provider: Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Base URL: http://nif-services.neuinfo.org/servicesv1/v1/federation/data/nif-0000-00007-1?q=purkinje
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 20 hours ago
Provides a listing of all NIF data sources available thorough REST Services
Provider: Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Base URL: http://nif-services.neuinfo.org/nif/services/federationSummary
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 20 hours ago
Signature: ./ontologies/download/{OntologyName} Return: the owl file. Example link: http://nif-services.neuinfo.org/ontoquest/ontologies/download/NIF
Provider: Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Base URL: http://nif-services.neuinfo.org/ontoquest/ontologies/download
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 20 hours ago
Signature: ./ontologies/detail/{OntologyName} Return: one ontology entry. Example link: http://nif-services.neuinfo.org/ontoquest/ontologies/detail/NIF
Provider: Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Base URL: http://nif-services.neuinfo.org/ontoquest/ontologies/detail
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 20 hours ago
Given an concept name it returns an object including concept id, name (a.k.a. NIFSTD_ID), pref_label, description/comments, list of synonyms. Signatures: ./concepts/{NIFSTD_ID}[?{optional_args}] ./concepts/oid/{OntoQuest_ID}[?{optional_args}] ./conc
Provider: Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Base URL: http://nif-services.neuinfo.org/ontoquest/concepts
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 20 hours ago
Search terms starting for the query used for auto-complete service.
Provider: Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Base URL: http://nif-services.neuinfo.org
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 20 hours ago
This service returns the Ontologies registered on the NIF Ontoquest Server.
Provider: Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Base URL: http://nif-services.neuinfo.org/ontoquest/ontologies