Displaying all 2 services

DIANA-miRPath v2: microRNA-KEGG pathway functional analysis REST


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Last checked: today about 2 hours ago

DIANA-miRPath v2 A REST service for DIANA-miRPath v2.1 microRNA functional analysis. This service queries DIANA-miRPath server and identifies significantly targeted pathways by the selected miRNA(s). The miRNA-gene interactions can be derived directly from TarBase, the experimentally validated miRNA-gene interaction database, or can be computationally predicted using the latest version of the microT algorithm (DIANA-microT-CDS). The user can enter more than one miRNAs in each query (miR…

Provider: DIANA-lab Base URL:

DIANA-labs microRNA server (miRNA server: microT, miRPath, TarBase) REST

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  • Could not access value_content .

Last checked: today about 2 hours ago

This REST service can access the DIANA-labs microRNA (miRNA) web server. It provides access to the following databases/servers: DIANA-microT v4 (microT-ANN): computational miRNA-gene interaction prediction using artificail neural networks DIANA-microT v5 (microT-CDS): computational miRNA-gene interaction prediction in 3-UTR and CDS transcript regions. DIANA-TarBase v2.0: the largest available database hosting experimentally validated miRNA-gene itneractions. DIANA-miRPAth v2.1: miRNA fu…

Provider: DIANA-lab Base URL: