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2 days ago

susan registered a new Service: MBD3L2 Full-Length MS Protein Standard
susan added a documentation url annotation to the Rest Service of Service: MBD3L2 Full-Length MS Protein Standard
susan added a alternative name annotation to Service: MBD3L2 Full-Length MS Protein Standard
susan added a description annotation to the Rest Service of Service: MBD3L2 Full-Length MS Protein Standard
susan joined BioCatalogue

16 days ago

WALTER R P CORTES joined BioCatalogue

18 days ago

Sherry Green registered a new Service: Representational State Transfer
Sherry Green added a alternative name annotation to Service: Representational State Transfer
Sherry Green added a description annotation to the Rest Service of Service: Representational State Transfer
Sherry Green added a tag annotation to Service: Representational State Transfer
Sherry Green joined BioCatalogue

22 days ago

jetronics joined BioCatalogue

About 1 month ago

webservicesuk added a workflows annotation to the Soap Service of Service: pknotsRG
webservicesuk added a workflows annotation to the Soap Service of Service: RNAfoldImplementationService
webservicesuk added a workflows annotation to the Soap Service of Service: SignalP
webservicesuk added a workflows annotation to the Soap Service of Service: MiriamProviderService
Jaspar_service has been updated (10 updates from latest WSDL). See changelog entry.
webservicesuk added a workflows annotation to the Soap Service of Service: AccessionMapper(PICR)
webservicesuk added a description annotation to Soap Input: parameters
webservicesuk added a workflows annotation to the Soap Service of Service: getArabidopsisAlleleByABRCcodeService
webservicesuk added a workflows annotation to the Soap Service of Service: getArabidopsisAlleleByLocusService
webservicesuk added a workflows annotation to the Soap Service of Service: getNASCArraysSlideByExperimentNameService
webservicesuk added a workflows annotation to the Rest Service of Service: RADAR
webservicesuk added a contact annotation to the Service Deployment of Service: WSx3DEM_Reference
webservicesuk favourited the Service: WSx3DEM_Reference
webservicesuk joined BioCatalogue