Center for Biological Sequence Analysis (CBS)


Submitter / Source:
Franck Tanoh (about 1 year ago)

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Documentation URL(s): Franck Tanoh (about 1 year ago)

pfhallin (9 months ago)

Login to add a documentation URL Description(s): from provider’s description doc(about 1 year ago)

This service creates maps of genome homology of a list of sequences against a reference
genome using either blastp, blastn, tblastn, or blastx.

The resolution is per-residue or per nucleotide depending on the regime of the blast
search: For each annotation in the reference genome, the best hit in the database
genome is found using one of the above algorithms. Each matching or mismatching
residue/nucleotide of the best hit (based on BLAST score) is then mapped back to the
genome sequence, using the coordinates provided in the annotations.

In the following, ‘database’ refers to the sequences being searched whereas
‘reference’ refers to the genome on to which the search is mapped. A map will always
have the same length as the reference genome on to which the search is mapped.

For DNA blast, there will be a 1:1 map of alignment:genome, and values can attain either
0 (gap/mismatch) or 1 (match). For protein searches, there will be a 1:3 map of alignment:genome.
For a given amino acid match, all three bases in the genome that encodes this residue, will
attain the value ‘1’. For conservative mismatches all three positions will attain the
value of 0.5, whereas gaps and non-conservative matches will attain the value ‘0’. The
different methods require different input, as described in the table below:

| program | Task | Reference | Database |
| blastp | Search proteins of the reference genome | proteins | proteome |
| | against proteins of a different genome. | | |
| blastn | Search orfs of the reference genome with | orfs or | genome or orfs|
| | either a genomic sequence or orfs of a | coordinates | |
| | different genome. | | |
| blastx | Search translated orfs of the reference | orfs or | proteome |
| | genome with protein sequences of a . | coordinates | |
| | different genome | | |
| tblastn | Search proteins of the reference genome | proteins | genome or orfs|
| | against translated orfs, a translated | | |
| | genome. | | |

The result of the service is a PDF and a PostScript document containing the BLASTatlas

1. runBLASTatlas
This operation reads in a reference genome and its annotation together with a
number of databases to search again. A standard BLASTatlas is constructed, returned
as a PostScript files. This is here you want to get started!

|- main : Main title of the atlas
|- sub : Sub title of the atlas
|- stamp : Type of atlas, printed on lower right corner
|+ window (optional) The window boundaries when zooming
||- begin : Begin of zoom window
|.- end : End of zoom window
|- modus : ‘circle’ or ‘linear’: Defines show the lanes should be printed
|+ ann’ (optional, array) This element is used to label annotations individually
|| on the perimeter/top of the atlas. Be aware, that the
|| annotation must be present in the ‘atlasannotations’
|| section (see below), in order for the coordinates to
|| be known to GeneWiz (see the provided Perl example)
||- type : Feature type, e.g. tRNA, rRNA, CDS, misc etc.
||- label : Label, must be the same as given in ‘atlasannotations’
|.- dir : Either ‘pos’ or ‘neg’
|- DNAproperties (optional, array) These elements allows a list of DNA properties (like
| Intrinsic Curvature, Stacking Energy etc.) to be added to the lower/inner
| part of the atlas. Please refer to the XSD to see which properties are
| supported, or see the Genome Atlas documentation for details on these
| properties:
|+ customMap (optional, array) This element allows you to add a custom
|| map, a list of floating point numbers, separated by comma.
|| Tools like SIDDbase ( returns
|| calculations in this format, and can be easily inserted to the atlas.
|| Each of the custom lanes submitted will be printed between the
|| DNAproperties (innermost/bottom) and the BLASTlanes (outermost/top)
||- boxfilter : (optional) The smoothing of the data
||- legend : Legend text for this lane
|| (there is a choice between ‘byrange’ and ‘byaverage’)
||+ byrange
|||- bottom : Lower boundary of the color range
||.- top : Upper boundary of the color range
||+ byaverage
||.- stddev : Color range will go this many standard deviations around
|| the average
|.+ color
| |+ from Lower color of range
| ||- r : Red component
| ||- g : Green component
| |.- b : Blue component
| |+ to Upper color of range
| ||- r : Red component
| ||- g : Green component
| |.- b : Blue component
| .+ via : (optional), mid part of the color range
| |- r : Red component
| |- g : Green component
| .- b : Blue component
|+ reference (contains information about the reference genome, its annotations etc.)
||- genome : Contains the genome sequence of the reference genome as one continuos string
||+ atlasfeature (These elements define the genome annotations that will be printed on the atlas)
||.+ feature (array)
|| |- type : Either CDS, rRNA, tRNA
|| |- begin : Start position of annotations
|| |- end : Stop position of annotation
|| |- dir : Strand (‘-‘ or ‘+’ )
|| .- label : Label of the annotation. This is mostly relevant when annotations
|| are marked with the optional ‘ann’ element, mentioned above.
||+ blastfeature : This is the annotation of the reference genome, used in the blast
| | search to construct the homology map
| .+ feature (array)
| |- proteins : The translation of the DNA region. Mandatory if lanes
| | are included using programs blastp or tblastn.
| |- orfs : The protein coding sequences. Optional (but prioritized) when lanes
| | are present using blastn or blastx. If ‘orfs’ are left out, the region will be extracted
| | from the genome sequence.
| |- begin : Start of the protein coding region
| |- end : Stop of the protein coding region
| .- dir : Translation direction (+,-)
.+ db (array) Each element corresponds to a genome/proteme to be included as a lane.
|- legend : Lane legend
|- program : Either ‘blastp’, ‘blastn’,’tblastn’, or ‘blastx’
|+ color
||+ from (Lower color of range)
|||- r : Red component
|||- g : Green component
||.- b : Blue component
||+ to’ (Upper color of range)
|||- r’ : Red component
|||- g’ : Green component
||.- b’ : Blue component
|.+ via’ (optional), mid part of the color range
| |- r : Red component
| |- g : Green component
| .- b : Blue component
|+ byrange (Ranges is fixed …)
||- bottom : Lower boundary of the color range
|.- top : Upper boundary of the color range
|+ byaverage (Range is dynamic …)
|.- stddev : Color range will go this many standard deviations around
| the average
| (there is an option of the next two elements ‘orfs’ and ‘proteins’ at this level)
|- orfs : (array) ORFs to be searched (required for blastn or tblastn)
.- proteins : (array) Protein sequences to be searched (required for blastp or blastx)


|- jobid : The 32 byte identification string of the job
|- datetime : The last timepoint at which the status of the job has changed
|- status : Possible values are QUEUED, ACTIVE, FINISHED, WAITING, REJECTED,
.- expire : Amount of hours since your job will expire

2. pollQueue

.- jobid : The 32 byte identification string of the job

| jobid : The 32 byte identification string of the job
| datetime : The last timepoint at which the status of the job has changed
| status : Possible values are QUEUED, ACTIVE, FINISHED, WAITING, REJECTED,
. expire : Amount of hours since your job will expire

3. fetchAtlasResult

.- jobid : The 32 byte identification string of the job

|+ pdf
||- comment : ‘Genewiz output’
||- encoding : ‘base54’
||- MIMEtype : ‘application/pdf’
|.- content : The encoded document
.+ ps
|- comment : ‘Genewiz output’
|- encoding : ‘base54’
|- MIMEtype : ‘application/ps’
.- content : The encoded document

pfhallin (9 months ago)This BLASTatlas service creates maps of genome homology of a list of sequences against a reference
genome using either blastp, blastn, tblastn, or blastx.

The resolution is per-residue or per nucleotide depending on the regime of the blast
search: For each annotation in the reference genome, the best hit in the database
genome is found using one of the above algorithms. Each matching or mismatching
residue/nucleotide of the best hit (based on BLAST score) is then mapped back to the
genome sequence, using the coordinates provided in the annotations.
In the following, ‘database’ refers to the sequences being searched whereas
‘reference’ refers to the genome on to which the search is mapped. A map will always
have the same length as the reference genome on to which the search is mapped.
For DNA blast, there will be a 1:1 map of alignment:genome, and values can attain either
0 (gap/mismatch) or 1 (match). For protein searches, there will be a 1:3 map of alignment:genome.
For a given amino acid match, all three bases in the genome that encodes this residue, will
attain the value ‘1’. For conservative mismatches all three positions will attain the
value of 0.5, whereas gaps and non-conservative matches will attain the value ‘0’.

The genome BLASTatlas-a GeneWiz extension for visualization ofwhole-genome homology.Mol Biosyst 4:363-71 (2008) PubMed

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