iCapture Lab


getSnpsBySwissProtIdImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

getSnpsBySwissProtIdService SOAP

All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: 5 days ago

Authority: bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca – This service consumes an identifier under the Swiss-Prot / UniProt namespace. Using the input identifier, relevant snp data is returned.

Provider: iCapture Lab WSDL Location: http://biomoby.org/services/wsdl/bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca/getSnpsBySwissProtId

getKeggPathwaysByKeggIDImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

getColoredKeggPathwayOfKeggIdsImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

getKeggCompoundsOnKeggPathwayImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

getKeggIdsByKeggPathwayImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

getKeggPathwayAsGifImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

getColoredKeggPathwayOfKeggIdsService SOAP

All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: 5 days ago

Authority: bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca – This service takes as input a KEGG pathway and KEGG ids. It then proceeds to use the KEGG utilities to highlight the ids on the pathway and return that image to you.

Provider: iCapture Lab WSDL Location: http://biomoby.org/services/wsdl/bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca/getColoredKeggPathwayOfKeggIds

getKeggCompoundsOnKeggPathwayService SOAP

All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: 5 days ago

Authority: bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca – This service, given a KEGG pathway, searches for all known compounds on that pathway. This service is flexible, i.e. you can prefix or omit the prefix ‘path:’ By default, the prefix ‘cpd’ is stripped from the output.

Provider: iCapture Lab WSDL Location: http://biomoby.org/services/wsdl/bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca/getKeggCompoundsOnKeggPathway

getKeggPathwaysByKeggIDService SOAP

All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: 5 days ago

Authority: bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca – This service, given a KEGG identifier, attempts to retrieve KEGG pathways that that contain this ID. For example, passing in: hsa:6402 results in the following pathway returned: hsa04514.

Provider: iCapture Lab WSDL Location: http://biomoby.org/services/wsdl/bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca/getKeggPathwaysByKeggID

getKeggIdsByKeggPathwayService SOAP

All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: 5 days ago

Authority: bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca – This service, given a KEGG pathway, searches for all known genes on that pathway.

Provider: iCapture Lab WSDL Location: http://biomoby.org/services/wsdl/bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca/getKeggIdsByKeggPathway

getKeggPathwayAsGifService SOAP

All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: 5 days ago

Authority: bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca – This service, given a KEGG pathway, returns a Gif image of the pathway if it exists. For example, the .

Provider: iCapture Lab WSDL Location: http://biomoby.org/services/wsdl/bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca/getKeggPathwayAsGif

MOBYSHoundGiFromLocusIDListImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

MOBYSHoundLocusIDFromGiListImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

MOBYSHoundGiFromLocusIDImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

MOBYSHoundLocusIDFromGOIDAndECodeImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

MOBYSHoundGOIDFromLocusIDImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

MOBYSHoundLocusIDFromOMIMImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

getCddConservedDomainIdsByLocusLinkIdImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

getCogsConservedDomainIdsByLocusLinkIdImplService SOAP

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).